Missions Trip Materials

Miraculous catch of fish: 21:1-14

Testimonies that confirm Jesus is who He claimed to be.
John the baptist:3:22-36    5:31-35 
Works of Christ: 5:36
God the Father: 5:37-38
The Scriptures: 5:39-40
John the Apostle: 19:35    21:24-25

Jesus Fulfilled Old testament Prophecies

 1:43-45; 2:13-25, 12:12-16, 12:37-41, 13:11, 18-19, 21-30, 15:25, 19:23-24, 19:28-30, 35-37, 20:6-10

Jesus Teaching on:
The Holy Spirit: 3:5-8  6:63    7:37-39           14:16-18,26    15:26    16:5-15
Prayer (His example): 14:13-14    15:7-8 16:23-24    17:1-26
Unity of the Godhead: 10:22-38
Unity of Believers: 17:20-26
*Giving: 12:1-8
Satan: 8:44-51    12:31    13:2-3    14:30    16:11
Sin: 5:14; 8:7, 11,  24,  34-36,  44-47    9:2-5     15:22-24    16:8-13
Living Water: 4:1-26    7:37-39
Worship: 4:19-24
*Spiritual regeneration (being given a new nature): 3:1-21
Glorification: 12:28     17:1-5,10
*Jesus’ commissions to all disciples: 20:21 4:34-38
Jesus prepares His followers for Persecution: 15:18-25

Jesus’ Words Promise Us:
Hope 14:1-6     18-20
Freedom From sin/ bondage: 8:31-59 
Blessedness: 13:17
*Peace: 14:27-28
*Comfort: 14:1-6    6:16-18    26-27
Joy: 15:11    16:24         17:13
Truth: 7:14-29 14:6    17:17
Cleansing: 15:3    17:17-18
Stability: 16:1
Freedom from fear: 14:1,27
Deliverance from death: 8:51

Spiritual guidance: 16:13
Victory: 16:33    8:31-36
Eternal Life: 3:16-18    4:4-26 5:24    20:29-30    17:3
*Eternal Security: 10:27-30     6:37    17:11
Heaven: 14:2-6
Abundant life: 10:10
Friendship/ personal relationship with God: 15:1-17
You can be a Child of God: 1:12-13
Salvation: 4:21-24    10:16    3:16
*Satisfaction/ fulfillment (needs met): 6:1-59,(35)      7:37
Greater works: 14:10-14
Spirit and Scripture giving us life: 6:63
Jesus expects His followers to:
Believe Him: 3:16-18   6:29     14:1     11:25-26
Love Him: 13:34-35    14:21-24    15:12,17
Obey Him: 13:17    14:15-21    14:23-27         15:9-10,17
Sharing Jesus with others: 4:28-42
Stay connected to Him our source of spiritual life: 15:1-11
Serve Him: 12:26    13:15-17
Know Him: 17:3
Bear fruit (spiritual results): 15:8
Glorify Him: 15:8    17:1-5

The very purpose for why it was written is revealed in John 20:30, 31 
The key word is “believe” (over 100x)
*Some Key passages to use Discovery Questions (listed above) in Discovery Bible Study Groups
The Deity of Jesus: His identity as God in human form/body 1:1-5,10,14; 10:30; 

17:10, 21-23

​Discovery Questions:


Four Fields of Kingdom Growth

My Story
(Telling My Story About My Walk With Jesus)
Six words that describe my life before Christ 
1:                                 2:                                          3:                                    4:                                 5:                                          6:

Three-Six words that describe how I came to follow Christ 
1:                                 2:                                          3:                                   4:                                 5:                                          6:

Six words that describe my life after coming to Christ 
1:                                 2:                                          3:                                   4:                                 5:                                          6:

Use the words above when writing your story.

4 Fields  (with tools)

Field 1 – GO – Empty Field 
Prayer Walking 
Looking for Person of Peace or House of Peace

Field 2 – GOSPEL – Seeding Field 
Sharing My Story (15 sec. testimony)
God’s Story  (3 Circles)
Responses - 

  • Green light - New people that profess Jesus. 
    Train new believers to tell their story. 
    Train them to tell God’s story . 
    Use Relationship Map “Oikos”
    Pray for their people 
  • Yellow light – Person shows interest. 
    Follow-up visit next day telling Hope stories 
  • Red light – Person said No 
    Show love and move on 

 Field 3 – GROW – Growing Field - Disciple making    

4-1-1 Discipleship  (2Cor.5:17-21)

1. Why should they make disciples? 

  • Identity - new creation in Christ
  • Purpose – Ambassador for Christ 

2. Who do they share with?  - Relationship map

3. What do they say?

  • Their story–help them make their 15 sec. testimony
  • God’s story - show them how to do 3 Circles

4. When do they make disciples?

  • Mt. 7:24-27 Right away or ________ (day)

Field 4 – GATHER – Harvest Field – 3/3rds Bible Study Method

  • Disciple-making (in small groups) using Commands of Christ 
  • Use Sword method & SPEC questions help them become self-feeding (learn from the Bible themselves)
  • Small groups that will become churches. 
  • Discuss church formation plan with area leader. 


SPEC:   S   Sin

               P   Promise

               E   Example

               C   Command

Disciples Making Disciples: Mark 4:26-29

The Gospel of John: Discipleship Resource

Jesus is the example as a servant leader: 13:1-17
Jesus loves all people: 3:16; 4:1-41;15:13
His Trials: 18:12-40
His Crucifixion: 19:1-42
His Resurrection: 20:1-10
His Appearances: 20:11-29      21:1-14

Jesus' relationship with us as His followers:
As the Shepherd with the sheep: 10:1-16; 10:25-30
As the True Vine and the branches: 15:1-27
As Friends: 15:13-17

Jesus' statements (claims) identifying Himself and supporting His Deity I Am:
The Bread of Life: 6:35
The Light of the world: 8:12    9:5    8:12-20
The Door: 10:7,9
The Good Shepherd: 10:11
The Resurrection and the Life: 11:25
The Way, Truth, and Life: 14:6
The True Vine: 15:1 (source of spiritual life)

Jesus' Miracles, 8 signs/proofs reinforcing His identity
Turning water into wine: 2:1-12
Heals the nobleman's son: 4:43-54
Heals paralytic: 5:1-15
Feeds 5000: 6:16-21
Walks on water: 9:1-12
Heals the blind man: 9:1-12
Raises Lazarus from the dead: 11:1-41

3 Circles 

Jesus is the “Son of God”: 
1:49     9:35-38   10:36    11:27
Jesus is the “Messiah”:
1:41     4:25-26    6:67-69
Jesus is the “Lamb Of God”   1:29
Jesus is Omniscient (All-Knowing):
1:48     2:24-25    4:29     6:70    13:11     16:30           21:17
Jesus is Omnipresent: 3:13      14:20   
Jesus is Judge: 5:22-30    8:16
Jesus is Worshipped as God:    
9:38     12:20-21          20:28
Jesus is Omnipotent: 10:17-18 
Jesus is the World's Savior/ Redeemer: 12:20-36
Jesus can forgive sin: 8:1-11    1:29
Jesus can raise the dead:11:1-44
Jesus prays for us who will believe: 17-23
Jesus is Equal with God: 10:30
to know Jesus is to know the Father: 8:19         14:7
To hate Jesus is to hate the Father: 15:23
To believe Jesus is to believe the Father: 12:44          14:1
To see Jesus is to see the Father: 12:45          14:9
To honor Jesus it to honor the Father: 5:23     17:5
To love Jesus is to love the Father: 8:42          14:23
To receive Jesus is to receive the Father: 13:20 (Mt 10:40; Mk 9:37)
Jesus is the source of truth: 7:14-29     14:6
Jesus is the source of Eternal life:5:19-47 8:51


This Gospel Reveals:

Use these questions to discover what the Bible is saying in certain passages
Pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you what God wants you to know, understand and apply.
Read through the Bible passage 
Answer these questions:

  • What does this passage teach about God?
  • What does this teach about people?

Read through the passage again and look for these things:    (SPEC)

  • Is there a sin I should avoid?
  • Is there a promise I can claim?
  • Is there an example to follow?
  • Is there a command to obey?

Read through the passage again

  • What does God want you to obey from this passage?  (Be specific)
  • With whom does God want you to share this with? (Give a name)